Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A New Tool for the Job Hunt: Social Media!

The following article appeared in the October 7, 2009 issue of Westport News.

It seems that everywhere you go today, people are talking about the new social media: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If you’re in job-search mode, you need to know about these tools and how they can help you find your next job.

First, what, exactly, is “social media”? Social media is a 2009 buzzword that has come to mean a way to use technology to connect with people. According to Wikipedia, the internet’s encyclopedia, social media is a way to transform a broadcast of information from one to many. In other words, it’s a way to broadcast information to a broad audience quickly and easily.

How Can Social Media Help with a Job Search?

How can social media help with a job search? In several ways. By joining a social media website, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, you have the ability to communicate your message to a very large group. By using your Facebook page to announce that you are searching for a position as a dental hygienist, for example, all of your Facebook friends instantly become aware of your situation and can be mobilized to help spread the word for you. LinkedInhas a feature that sends all of your contacts a notice when you update your profile information. LinkedIn is geared to business and has many features designed to help with a job hunt.

One great feature of LinkedIn, which a client of mine recently used successfully, allowed her to search for people who were employed by a company that had posted an open position. Using a LinkedIn search function, she found a colleague from her past who was working in the same department of her target employer and was able to facilitate an introduction to the hiring manager!

Another great LinkedIn feature is jobs can be posted by individuals as well as human resource departments. The big advantage here is that you can use the person who posted the opportunity as your advocate to present your resume to the person doing the hiring.

Companies Post Positions on Twitter!

One new development is the use of Twitter by employers looking to fill positions. Rather than posting positions on websites, they find they can reach their desired pool of applicants more effectively using this new tool. Do a google search to find those companies that use Twitter and then make certain to join their sites so you can receive their employment tweets!

While Facebook and LinkedIn offer similar features, I suggest that jobhunters rely primarily on LinkedIn. Facebook pages are much more informal and contain information that may be appropriate for your friends, but not for prospective employers. Recruiters and employers tend to rely more on LinkedIn. LinkedIn focuses on your business connections, your skills and past employment relationships. You can also include other marketing materials you have created, such as papers you might have written, or presentations you have given, that can demonstrate your skills. You can include your photograph (make sure it’s professional—not from your vacation in Cancun)—so people will recognize you when you meet for coffee!

Social Media Websites Are Free and Easy to Use

It’s easy to open an account on any of these social media sites—and they’re all free! The websites are designed to be extremely user friendly. In just a few hours you will be able to consider yourself an experienced user.

So get started today. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how many contacts you will be able to find and how easy it is to put those connections to work for you in your search.

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